Laurence annez

Holistic Health Practitioner &

Women’s TransformationCoach



a 1:1 coaching program designed to help you break free from PCOS and hormonal challenges by healing the ROOT physical, emotional, and energetic imbalances

This isn’t your typical Hormone Program

Let me guess...

You’ve done the cleanses, you’ve cut the carbs, you’re gluten-free and dairy-free and probably many more other “frees”, you’ve tried many diets, you’re taking supplements, you’re working out and doing the cardio..

But it’s still not working..

You’re not getting your period regularly, you’re still just as bloated and tired, you’re breaking out, you’re feeling anxious or down, you’re PMSing on the regular, you’re not looking any different

or you’re feeling drained, uninspired, and burnt out

You’re feeling uncomfortable in your body & you wonder if anything will actually make a difference

How do I know this?

I was you

When I was in the midst of my PCOS struggle

This was my reality:

Daily cystic acne, ghosted periods, hirsutism, hair loss, mood swings, burnout, depression, binge eating, uncontrollable cravings, PMS…

I tried every acne topical, hormone supplement, supposedly PCOS friendly diet like vegan and keto, HIIT workouts, cardio…

Yes even natural remedies

But it didn’t work for me

So I thought I was the problem

What I didn’t realize was that I wasn’t the problem at all..

Here is what you haven’t been told..

Here is what you haven’t been told..

We have an epidemic of PCOS, burnout, anxiety, PMS, infertility, acne, weight gain, depletion, and being turned all the wayyy OFF in life and in the bedroom

This is not your fault.

This is a result of not being taught how to regulate, nourish or support our cycling bodies, as modern day women.

We haven’t been told that our symptoms are actually signals of deeper imbalances, not a sign that our bodies are broken.

We haven’t been encouraged or taught how to trust our FEMININE DESIGN and INTUITIVE BODY so we outsource our authority to absolutely everyone else but ourselves while falling victim to our fast paced, achievement-focused culture.

This ain’t it.

If you’re here I know you know this can’t be it.

That you CAN heal and turn this around, naturally.

The world needs more women like YOU in her power, overflowing from a full cup, regulated, and THRIVING.

You here for it? Then I’d like to invite you into a healing and transformation container like no other one designed to help you break free from PCOS and hormonal challenges by healing the ROOT physical, emotional, and energetic imbalances, leading you to lasting relief and vibrant health.

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Hi, I’m Laurence!

I’m a Holistic Nutritionist, Health Coach, NLP Practitioner, Hypnotherapist, and Life Coach for women. I tried the conventional route, the quick fixing, the dieting, the restricting…Nothing worked until I chose a holistic path, and for 6 years years now, I've been guiding amazing women like you towards healing.

Symptoms of PCOS, PMS, acne, anxiety… are all signs of mis-alignment and dis-ease going on internally. This is why my approach goes beyond managing symptoms, popping pills, or even food. By looking at women’s health as a whole - I help women heal in a way that lasts - by not just addressing the symptom, but the root causes on a mental, emotional, and energetic level.

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Introducing fem harmony

This program combines a bio-individual approach to YOU + 5 step process to help you find lasting relief and vibrant health by healing the root of your PCOS and hormonal imbalances

Whole Body Nourishment for the Feminine

Regulating your nervous system

Cyclical Living

Rewiring Your Subconscious Mind

Healing your relationship with the feminine

what’s included in the program

  • Custom healing plan including personalized nutrition, lifestyle and supplement recommendations for you to take action straight away and know exactly what to focus on (valued at $250)

  • 9 x 1:1 calls with me (valued at $1300) includes subconscious rewiring and clearing + womb breathwork calls

  • Email Support MON-FRI to ask me any questions, you have my support all throughout this journey (valued at $150)

  • Personalized notes from each session to keep with you forever

  • Access to additional resources from my entire library from coaching women for over 6 years that will support you on your healing journey

  • Access to my online course PCOS Breakthrough (valued at $499) which includes all of the following:

Hundreds of downloadable recipes that are hormone-friendly,

delicious, and honor every phase of your cycle (lifetime access)

Masterclasses with guest experts on gut health, skin health, PCOS,

and more!

Movement guides for every phase of your cycle

Lifetime access to lessons and guides on hormones, blood sugar

balancing, reducing inflammation, syncing your cycle, reducing

your toxin exposure, liver and gut healing, stress management,

sleep support, and more


  • In-depth sessions that will give you a tangible strategy to walk away with and implement so you don’t need to keep Googling and throwing spaghetti on the wall. I’ve done the research so you don’t have to.

  • Support and guidance from someone who has experienced the same struggles and has come out on the other side, all of you is welcome in this space and celebrated

  • Cultivate inner security through nervous system regulation, so you can feel more at peace in your body, live life from a more calm and grounded place no matter what comes your way, and actually experience more joy and bliss because you’re no longer constantly living from an anxious dysregulated mind.

  • Live in tune with your female cyclical rhythms to feel more in tune with your body + naturally energized during your day, and experience more easeful cycles without the PMS.

  • Be guided through mind-body exercises to help you create new neural pathways, through subconscious reprogramming, that promote body healing on a cellular level and upgrade your life to the next level



  • Finally figure out how to manage your PCOS so you can stop chasing quick fixes and getting lost down the Google scroll hole

  • Clear up your skin

  • Actually feel energized to tackle your day (without needing the cup of ☕️)

  • Get your period, and your spark back

  • Stop feeling like a crazy person once a month and feel more grounded and at peace no matter what day it is

  • Unsubscribe from period problems (👋🏻PMS)

  • Let go of all of the food rules and anxiety about your body and start feeling empowered with your health

  • Experience an intuitive relationship with your body

  • Feel empowered with your health and motivated to make new moves in your life

I’ve got you covered


Waking up with ENERGY in the morning (without needing the cup of coffee)

More EASEFUL & REGULAR cycles (that you may even look forward to 🫢)

RESTFUL sleeps that replenish you

Balanced MOOD and increased ZEST for life

A RELAXED & INTUITIVE relationship with food & your BODY

CONFIDENCE that oozes from within (that people notice)

Embracing each day with newfound VITALITY and a CLEAR mind

You no longer feel like you have to hide from the world anymore under baggy clothes or makeup

Instead you’re so comfortable in your own skin, you even catch yourself smiling in the mirror

You no longer spend all of your time trying to figure out what to do next to manage your symptoms and feel somewhat normal...

Now you get to spend your energy on what actually MATTERS to you like your family, your business, your passion, travel..

3 months from now you could be in a completely different place




Life's too short to spend it Googling the next supplement for your PCOS, or feeling drained, unfulfilled, and PMSing

You’re not here to operate from DEPLETION or spend your time MANAGING symptoms

You’re here FEEL GOOD in your body so you can finally live the life you were created for

Welcome to a healing and transformation container like no other —one that prioritizes YOU, healing of your female body on a physical and energetic level and the end of hormonal chaos.

You deserve to know how good it can get.




Regularly valued at over $2000



heal your hormones, feel like yourself again, get your life back



I am now accepting applications to start in May 2024. You can start anytime in May though spots are limited due to the 1:1 nature of this program.

How long is the program?

The duration of the program is 3 months, with 12 calls included.

How long are the weekly calls?

Weekly calls are scheduled for about 60 minutes.

what happens once i enroll?

Once your payment has gone through, I will reach out to you within 24 hours to schedule our first intake call together and send you all of the information you need in order to gain access to the courses and bonuses.

Do i need to have a pcos diagnosis to join?

You don’t need to have PCOS to join this program. If you are experiencing any sort of hormonal imbalances and if you are wanting a natural holistic approach to your health and wellbeing, this is for you!

Will this work for me?

I work closely with you to make sure you are getting the right support and taking action that makes sense for you. My bio-individual approach means we work together to create a plan and address your root imbalances so you can experience the results you are after. This is also why I have an application process in order to make sure this is the right fit for you.

What my past clients have said when asked “what would you tell someone who is interested or on the fence about this program?”

Do it. Invest in yourself. Dive in and do the work, don't hold back. Discover what your resistance is and release it, you are worth it and the person you are meant to be will blossom if you work with Laurence. - Nicole Deakins

Once you take the first step, you will never look back and regret it. - Rachel King

I think anyone who needs to alter their lifestyle should do this. - Christina Tadros


Please email me at with any further questions or apply below and I will be in touch to chat more to determine if this is the right fit for you.